Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday and I feel good

Ok, the weather is grand. Sunny, warm and nice cool breeze.  I went to urgent care last night sinus infection. They put me on antibiotics and a nose spray. I slept really good last night. I am so into kicking ass on this diet now. I went for a walk at lunch about 40 minutes. I was a little sore from the gym but I think I need to do a better job of warming and stretching then I will be fine. I am drinking my coffee and man I am feeling pretty good. I take for granted my good healthy days until they are gone. Then I realize how good it feels to feel good. Man I missed that feeling. I still haven't heard from the surgeon, but that's ok, I need to get completely better first. Well, I am going to my weigh in tonight and hope to get measured. I will bring back those results tomorrow. I am so excited and cant wait. They have to be pretty good cause I feel pretty good. Ok, going to take my walk today and really drink up the water. Oh I hope this days stays wonderful.


Mom to the Fourth Power said...

Me too!! :)

Jacqui said...

Glad you are having a great day! Your weigh in and measurments will be good tonight!

So sad that you haven't seen snow in person! Actually, I'm a big fan of winter.. but reading about all your nice weather, and walking outside.. I'm a bit jealous!

Julie said...

Good afternoon. Just spent some time catching up. I'm sorry you've been sick so hopefully this medicine kicks in and you're feeling tip top soon. You are doing very well, 2+ pounds is a great loss. I too wonder about the calories from other plates but it's them, not me so whatever.
Keep up the great work Gracie, you're doing well.
Take care and have a great weigh in and measuring. God Bless!!

TMLfans.ca said...

Hopefully the antibiotics kick in and the sinus infection clears quickly! Cheers, Rick