Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Post op care

I went today to my post op care with the surgeon. Things look fine except my belly button. That incision is looking "angry" so he put me on antibiotics and to return in 10 days. I still think I will be back at work by the 28th. Did you know you get 4 incisions with this surgery and they use your belly button as one of the incision sites. I mean they actually pull the gall bladder out of your belly button. So gross. But it was my first day out in public in a week. It felt weird. But good. I was tired when I returned home but otherwise ok.

I was thinking of going to see the movie Red riding hood with my daughter when it comes out on 3/11 if it is out by then. Looks entertaining to me. She was into it and said she would go. My son wants to see Battle LA (or something like that). I am not into those kind of movies. But who knows maybe I will see it also.  I am hoping also to take the kids to the Star of India(ship). We made plans once to go see it but they fell thru. I think the kids would like it. I have been a few times.

Diet still doing well. I will start back on the program also the week of 28th. I might try going to the gym for the treadmill this weekend. I have high hopes. I also want to be able to go back to church this Sunday. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

1 comment:

Mom to the Fourth Power said...

Fingers crossed... take care of yourself!! Sounds like you're doing good so far. :)
