Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hip hip hooray

I went to the lake this morning, by myself and walked 6 miles...OMG, I still cant even believe it myself. I brought a water bottle with me and used that as a weight and did arm lifts the bulk of the walk. I am sure I looked like a dork. This lake is a popular place to walk. There were a lot of people, walking, running, biking. It was a cool AM and it felt great. It is going to get warm so I had to get there early. It did take me 2 hours but that was ok, I never stopped and listened to my IPOD. I almost said walkman, lol. Aging myself again.  I put my Ipod, in my sports bra on one side, my cell phone in my sports bra on the other side. Them big ole sports bras do come in handy. I laughed at my daughter who would text me, and of course when that happens my cell phone vibrates...wahoooo. I told her thanks for all the text it made my walk more enjoyable. hehe.


Anonymous said...

HAHaha! Good for you accomplishing such a walk and getting your body in shape for the rest of the day. As for your texts- well...whatever keeps you going! LOL

Lynn said...

Comment on your picture: who needs airbrushing? You are gorgeous!

MB said...

Thanks for stopping by. Great job on the walk! We all look like dorks when we're working out but everyone is focused on themselves so don't think twice about it. I'm going to have to try that trick with the vibrating phone ;). Keep up the good work!

Amber said...

Sounds like it was an awesome walk.

Kristy said...

I love walks surrounded by nature. I had to LOL about the vibrating phone in the bra. Too funny!

Mom to the Fourth Power said...

Yowza woman!! You are TOO funny! Way to go on your 6 mile walk. You rocked today!!!


Anonymous said...

That is absolutely awesome, congrats to you!

mira and deke's mommy said...

aw thats my momma. she gets her humor from me! and im so proud of u for that crazy long walk!

Brandi. said...

Awesome job! 6 miles!! I'm thrilled when I do 4 miles running/walking. :) And, I'm so jealous that you have nice places to walk! We've got the gym, no fancy parks or pretty lakes or anything...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful work this week! Great walk - now do it again this week!

Julie said...

I do the same thing. Phone on one side and itouch on the other. YEAH!!! on your walk. Keep up the great work.
Take care and God Bless!!

Princess Dieter aka Mir said...

Gracie, can you relink on Debbi's linkyy for the update. It needs to link to your UPDATE POST...not to the main blog url. K? :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on the walking.... that was going to be my exercise option for now but I have yet to complete that. I hope this week I do it!!

Bluezy said...

Great job. Great mileage.

Anonymous said...

6 miles, good for you !! I never thought of stuffing my sports bra with my phone or keys, I may have to do that.

Mrs. O said...

6 miles ... all by yourself??? That is awesome!! It might have something to do with all those texts you were getting! ;)