Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Whoa nice rain!

Well the rain did wait until around rush hour last night. (Great) But I get home before rush hour. So it was all good. I was able to walk yesterday. It poured all night and this AM, but I think its going to clear again by lunch, so I am going to get to walk again. : )

This AM I have a long (boring) meeting with the uppers. Gosh it drives me crazy that they get paid the big bucks. Then another staff(boring) meeting on Thursday. Did I ever mention how much I hate meetings. Usually they are such a waste of time. Oh well, I am paid by the hour.15757675_8783

I am PMSie and really cranky, I need to control that.  Ugh. It's too early but that is what happens at my age. It does what ever it pleases. 

Tonight's dinner should be good. I am going to broil chicken tenders and roast some Brussels sprouts and asparagus. Love it. But I have really been craving some Salmon. I gotta get me some!


mira and deke's mommy said...

ya kno who has good salmon?!?! barona!!!! lets go!!!!

Mom to the Fourth Power said...

Broiled veggies sounds SOO yummy... but then again so does Salmon!! I need me some of that too!

I LOVE that pic, btw.
