Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16th

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful man that ever lived. My dad. This really was the most wonderful and caring and loving man that ever lived. When I would call him, which was all the time, but each time it was like it was the first time in years. Seriously he was always happy to hear from me. It is such an amazing feeling knowing that there was someone who truly loved you from the bottom of their heart. I could do no wrong in his eyes. He never judged me. I was perfect to him. I think of him daily, I have his picture by my bed so I say goodnight to him every night.

Dad I love you, until I see you again, Hugs! Give mom a big ole hug and kiss too!


Maren said...

Ahh, happy birthday to your father! ♥

Mom to the Fourth Power said...

Happy Birthday to your dad! :)
What a nice tribute to him.

betty said...

Happy birthday to your dad! He sounded like a wonderful man! It is comforting to know you will see him again!
