Friday, September 14, 2012

Seriously 108 degrees in La Jolla

WEATHER FOR La Jolla, CA (92037)

Updated: Friday, September 14, 2012
Right Now: 2:00 PM PST
  • 108° 42°
  • Few Clouds
  • Feels Like 108

Source: San Diego Weather, Forecast, Maps, and Doppler Radar | NBC 7 San Diego


betty said...

IT IS HOT!!! We are showing 97 degrees where I am at.


Farida said...

What is your weather preference? I think hot is better than too much rain, hahaha.

Thanks for dropping by... happy weekend :)

Julie said...

We don't get any warmer than 75 now. It's nice however not thrilled with the 40* evenings/nights. It froze the other night, had to cover up all the plants I wanted to keep.
Share a little of your warmth.
Take care Gracie, blessings!!